Time to Remember the Reformation



We believe that the lives and work of the Reformers should be remembered. The Greatest move of God’s Spirit since Pentecost swept away error and false doctrine shining the light of truth into the darkness. If these men and their efforts are forgotten then we at at risk of falling back into darkness.db2f9db32d9153968250f6a4133daca222840988


The following Time line gives a summary of some of the main events of the Reformation and the individuals involved. We hope that in the study of these historical events we will see some of the power of God as he breaks into human history for it is never man we seek to honour.


1517 (31 Oct.) – Martin Luther posts the 95 Theses in protest at the Catholic doctrine of indulgences.
1520 Luther outlines his theology and other views in three works: To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church and On the Freedom of a Christian.
1521 Henry VIII of England opposes Luther in writing Assertio septem sacramentorium, or, “Defence of the Seven Sacraments”. Pope Leo X rewards Henry by granting him the title Fidei Defensor or “Defender of the Faith”.
1521 The Diet of Worms – Luther’s refusal to recant results in his excommunication by Pope Leo X in the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem or “It Pleases the Roman Pontiff”.
1522 Luther publishes his own translation of the New Testament in German.
1526 William Tyndale Publishes a translation of the New Testament in English.
1529 Luther meets the Swiss Reformer Ulrich Zwingli at the Marburg Colloquy to discuss the issue of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Both parties are unable to come to an agreement, with Luther defending his view of a Sacramental Union of the body and blood and the bread and wine as opposed to the symbolic view of Zwingli.
1530 Publication of the Augsburg Confession, a summary of Lutheran doctrine.
1531 Death of Ulrich Zwingli.
1533 The marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon is declared null and void by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury in defiance of the Catholic church. Henry later marries Anne Boleyn.
1534 Act of Supremacy: Henry VIII becomes supreme head of the Church in England, which separates from the Roman Catholic Church.
1534 Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order as part of the Catholic counter-reformation. Parts of Poland, Hungry and Germany are reconverted from Protestantism to Catholicism.
1535 Thomas More, former Lord Chancellor is executed on the orders of Henry VIII for refusing to support the English reformation.
1536 William Tyndale burnt at the stake for heresy.
1536 Protestant reformer John Calvin publishes his work of systematic theology: Institutes of the Christian Religion.
1536-40 Henry VIII undertakes the dissolution of the Monasteries in England, Wales and Ireland.
1545-63 As part of the Catholic reformation, the Council at Trent meets to reform and clarify Catholic doctrine.
1546 Death of Martin Luther.
1549 Publication of the first version of the Book of Common Prayer in the Church of England.
1555 Peace of Augsburg grants toleration to Lutherans within the Holy Roman Empire using the principle of cuius regio, eius religio or “Whose region, his religion”.
1560 Publication of Geneva Bible, the first English translation with chapter and verse divisions.
1563 Production of the 39 Articles of the Church of England as a doctrinal statement of faith.
1564 Death of John Calvin.
1572 Death of John Knox, leader of the Reformation in Scotland.
1598 French Protestants (Huguenots) are granted toleration by Henry IV in the Edict of Nantes.
1611 Publication of the King James Version of the Bible.
1618-9 The Synod of Dort: Five point Calvinism is affirmed to opposition to Arminianism.
1618-48 Protestant/Catholic conflict in Germany (The Thirty Years War).
1685 Revocation of the edict of Nantes by Louis XIV. Exodus of Protestants from France.

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