Monthly Archives: January 2016

Rev. DD Boyle

Rev David Dorrington Boyle DD

He is regarded as a founder member and clearly a leading light amongst Independent Orangemen, and had it not been for his intervention in Ballymoney it is questionable if the Institution would have taken the numbers it did.


As grand Chaplain he held the highest of offices however by 1908 he appears to have no real connection with the Order. He moved to Newry then east Belfast and served as minister there from 1910 until his death in 1938. Here under Boyle, McQuiston memorial Presbyterian Church eventually became the largest Presbyterian congregation in Ireland, peaking at over 1500 families.

Imperial Grand Lodge Meeting


The officers and members of the Independent Loyal Orange Institution held their annual meeting in the Headquarters Hall Ballymoney on Saturday 9th January 2016 at 2.00pm. The chair was taken by Rt Wor Bro Alan McLean Imperial Grand Master assisted in the Deputy chair by Wor Bro James Anderson . The Lodge was opened, normal business conducted  and reports taken.



IGM Wor Bro McLean then thanked the brethren for having him as the IGM for the past five years,something that he enjoyed immensely and intimated that he was not standing for election for a further term. He then Called on Bro Victor McLean PCGM to conduct the election of officers.

IMG_0768-224x300The main officers elected being, Imperial Grand Master Rt Wor Bro James Anderson, Deputy Grand Master Wor Bro Mervyn Storey MLA, Chaplain Wor Bro Derek McFarland,Secretary Wor Bro Alexander McFarland and Treasurer Wor Bro Roy Wilson. Following the election Wor Bro Cyril Glass PIGM IGL nstalled the newly elected officers.

Members of McNeillstown ILOL N046 brought fraternal greetings and best wished from the lodge. We would like to pay tribute to the outgoing IGM Alan McClean for his leadership and dedication. It is a hard job heading up an Institution and he is to be commended for the progress and success his tenure in office saw.

Final Business was then conducted and the meeting closed with all retiring to the bottom hall where supper was served. Following supper Rt Wor Bro Anderson spoke briefly thanking those who has supplied and served an excellent supper.