Faith That Works


As an Institution we represent the Protestant faith in action. The Orange Order was founded primarily to protect and promote the Reformed faith which is expressed in the Bible. We are not a church but an organisation which aims to further the cause of the Gospel. History has taught us that the early Reformers were correct when they saw that  the Reformation required protection from those who would seek to counter it. While this may be the Roman Catholic church whose errors the Reformation exposed, or the older enemies of Christianity such as Paganism, Islam, or secularism, our stance is similar. Anything or anyone that is at variance with Holy Scripture is at variance with us.

DefendYourFaith-WretchedHowever we also see that aside from the very physical protection and defense of our faith which have been evidenced by the martial record and courage of Orangeism, we also must display a positive, proactive, practical example of our faith. We do this primarily through Outreach, the support and involvement in a range of mission activities which aim to promote the Gospel to our own members, supporters, as well as our fellow countrymen and women. All our parades and activities are a Christian witness and this dictates how we both                                                                                                 conduct ourselves and how we defend the rights to express                                                                                                       our faith.

In years past our Institution and its members took up arms to answer the call of their country, seeing it as more than mere patriotic duty but rather a Biblical imperative to defend our faith. Indeed it is that which shapes our constitution and political preferences with a loyalty to the Crown and Constitution conditioned upon its remaining Protestant. Our Unionism is equally founded upon a belief it is the best guarantee of our civil and religious liberties.

Recently we have defended the faith by defending key tenets of it such as traditional marriage, the freedom of conscience for Christian business owners, as well as a range of other socio-economic issues which impinge upon our faith or witness. It would appear that once more those of an evangelical protestant persuasion face discrimination and persecution in our own land as well as others. To this end we work with churches and missionary organisations to highlight and counter human rights abuses against Christians and to support them. Sadly most of our work is focused on our own country where it appears sectarianism, and secularism are both threats.

Finally while we believe like the Reformers it is faith not works which save we also believe our faith must work.db2f9db32d9153968250f6a4133daca222840988 This to us means that it works and functions in the sense that we understand it and believe it and it works for us as both individuals and as an Institution. It works in that it guides and shapes us, informs our choices and directs our actions. Secondly it is something that works in the sense that it is active and engaged. The love we should have is demonstrated in both a critical informed way pointing out where we think there is error and guiding towards truth and the right way. Also it is shown by helping others and getting involved in our community, and getting our hands dirty helping others. While we remember the past we must be relevant in the present. We recall how Protestantism looked to the entire community, helping men to better themselves, and to support one another not merely to feed the clergy.

This has given us a particular interest in charitable work and each year we support an range of charities. Our own charity The Benevolent Fund supports the widows and orphans of members, and each year helps bereaved families in a very practical financial way with the funeral costs or other issues after the passing of a loved one. Many lodges have members or supporters with a particular interest in a local or international charity. Each year our members and lodges donate thousands to their local churches, charities and other worthy causes.

Most recently our Grand Master launched a special Charity which works all year to support a chosen charity. Fundraising includes a Grand Master’s Dinner and last year this event supported the work of meningitis research.

In 2014 our Imperial Grand Master Rt Wor Bro Alan McLean accompanied by Wor Bro James Anderson DIGM CGM, Wor Bro David Johnston DCGM and Wor Bro Drew McIntyre DDM traveled to the Headquarters of The Meningitis Research Foundation in Belfast where they presented a cheque for £4000 to last years chosen charity “The Meningitis Research Foundation”. Mrs Diane McConnell Deputy CEO of the charity was on hand to receive the cheque.  Mrs McConnell expressed her thanks to the Institution for choosing to support the charity last year. The 2015 Appeal will be for Multiple Sclerosis research which will we trust in time help improve the lives of thousands. This is the best example of Faith in Action the positive practical expression of both Christian love and Civic Duty which the Institution is founded upon.


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